Gemstone Mat And Its Top Advantages
When you lie on the Gemstone Mat, you will be exposed to strong far-infrared rays that will help you relax your muscles and nerves and relieve tension. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) improve blood flow and increase the amount of oxygen reaching cells. These rays, which penetrate your body by three to four inches, are the most healing rays in the Light Spectrum. In this blog, you will enhance and heighten your understanding or knowledge of the mind-blowing gemstone heat therapy mat or gemstone mat . Gemstone Mat The Gemstone Mat's Advanced Negative Potential generating mechanism also generates negative ions. When it rains, negative ions, which are positively charged airborne particles, are abundant in lush woods, mountains, ocean beaches, and areas close to rivers, springs, and waterfalls. Positive protons, such as those in the air on a windy or sunny day, excite your body, whereas negative ions have a magnetic pull toward the earth and have a relaxing, grounding impact on the body. They ...